NYTimes loves Stop 'N' Swap!

February 21, 2011
Posted in Recycling | Tagged stop n swap

The New York Times visited our Stop 'N' Swap at St. George Library on Staten Island and gave it a rave review!

The rules of the Stop N Swap are punishingly strict: Bring whatever you want, or don’t bring anything at all; leave with as much as you care to, or nothing; come whenever you feel like it; go whenever you’re done. Oh, and it’s free — not just the stuff you pick up; there is no entry fee. Not exactly the usual mess of governmental red tape. Then again, GrowNYC is not your usual government agency; it’s a nonprofit organization run out of the mayor’s office. Its first swap meet was in 2002; this year, it plans to do five in each of three “cleaning seasons” — post-New Year’s, spring and before the winter holidays.

Read the article to find out more!

GrowNYC Annual Report released

February 9, 2011
Posted in Community Gardens | Tagged photos

GrowNYC is proud to annouce the release of our 2010 Annual Report, a comprehensive guide to all of GrowNYC's programs and activities from the past year.

The front cover features a gorgeous photograph of New York City's 5 boroughs rendered with Greenmarket fruits and vegetables. The photo was made possible by our new board member Everard Findlay and Everard Findlay LLC.

Check out our annual report below, or send us an e-mail if you'd like a hard copy.

Click to view our Annual Report

NFDP presents at NOFA-NY

February 4, 2011

Eleven New Farmer Development Project farmers participated in this year’s NOFA-NY annual winter conference, which brought together nearly 1400 organic farmers, gardeners, activists and eaters from around New York state.

NFDP participants included Nestor Tello, the Project’s first farmer, who gathered information for his recently purchased 25 acres in Greene County, NY, and Martin Rodriguez, who had the opportunity to present his unique method of cultivating Mexican culinary herbs to Spanish-speaking conference attendees.

NFDP provided simultaneous interpretation for Martin’s presentation, as well as 6 workshops and 3 keynote presentations during the 2-day conference, whose theme this year was "Digging Diversity." Look for video clips of Martin’s presentation on the NFDP website in the near future.

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