GrowNYC School Gardens

Our mission is to inspire, promote and facilitate the creation of sustainable gardens in public schools throughout New York City. The program was created in 2010 under the name “Grow to Learn” and since then, has established a network of over 900 school gardens in all five boroughs. Join us! 

We Provide:

  • Technical garden assistance
  • Supply giveaways including tools, seeds, seedlings, classroom cooking supplies, and more 
  • 40+ educational workshops each year
  • A monthly newsletter featuring GrowNYC Education resources and upcoming programs from us and our partners. 
  • Visit to access resources such as our School Garden Guides, Food Justice Curriculum, Farmstand Business Curriculum, virtual field trips, recorded workshops, and more!

All DOE K-12 public and charter schools can register with us. Register or login here! 
For more info, email 


Brrrrr, winter is here. Lucky for us, 23 GrowNYC Greenmarkets and 6 GrowNYC Farmstands are open YEAR-ROUND! Bundle up and head to the market — our staff, farmers, and volunteers can’t wait to welcome you.