Our Farmer and Community Advisory Committee

Since its inception, the Farmer and Community Advisory Committee (FCAC) has played a valuable role in guiding Greenmarket policy and operations. The FCAC meets monthly to provide a forum for ideas, guidance in implementing the Greenmarket mission, peer review in the enforcement of Greenmarket Regulations, and a hearing place for Producer grievances.

The FCAC includes several subcommittees:

Development considers ways to implement and promote the Greenmarket Mission.
Advocacy investigates confidential recommendations and complaints by farmers, consumers and managers to resolve disputes.
Nominations takes steps to assure that nominations for membership on the FCAC reflect the diversity of farmers and producers in Greenmarkets.
Budget reviews the Greenmarket budget.
Regulations reviews and initiates proposals for change in the Greenmarket Regulations.
By-Laws reviews and initiates proposals for change in the FCAC By-Laws.
Food Equity provides a resource for Producers and community members to apply an equity framework to the FCA and food access and Agriculture within GrowNYC.

The Greenmarket FCAC Position on the NYS Farmworkers Fair Labor Practices Act (S1291/A 4762)

The FCAC has created an internal website that is password protected and available to all Greenmarket producers. The site contains information about the work of the committee as well as resources for the entire Greenmarket producer community. Please click here to request access and view the site.


Brrrrr, winter is here. Lucky for us, 23 GrowNYC Greenmarkets and 6 GrowNYC Farmstands are open YEAR-ROUND! Bundle up and head to the market — our staff, farmers, and volunteers can’t wait to welcome you.