Food Access Initiatives

Read GrowNYC Food Access Initiatives 2019 successes and statistics here.

GrowNYC Food Access Initiatives get fruits and vegetables where they are most needed: everywhere. Income shouldn't be an impediment to good health. GrowNYC believes that healthy food access is a basic human right.

We make regionally-produced food accessible to all New Yorkers through the promotion and acceptance of nutrition benefits, incentive coupons and credit cards.

We rely on partnerships with the City and community-based organizations to enhance food access in New York City. This effort improves access to good food and provides critical revenue for our farming community. 

Experience the vibrant flavors and festive spirit of fall at GrowNYC's Union Square Greenmarket! Join us for a series of exciting special events that celebrate the best of the season, from weekly book signings with famous chefs and authors to celebrations of regional fiber, cider, and fermentation.