Creative Little Garden

530 E. 6th Street
Avenues A / B
East Village, Manhattan
Founded in 1978

This elegant shade garden first got its lease in 1978 from GreenThumb. Liz Christy, from GrowNYC, later selected it as a project site by providing design assistance, plants, and building materials. Long and narrow, it has a winding gravel path, rock garden, flagstone patio and many seating areas. Founding caretaker Francoise Cachelin fiercely defended Creative Little and other community gardens from development in 1999. The garden of this tireless community garden supporter became a permanent Parks site.

The garden was renovated by GrowNYC in 2004 with funding from the Greenacre Foundation. The front area was stabilized with a new flagstone entry and steps, a small arbor over a bench was added, and the pathway and patio were leveled and spruced up. Unfortunately Francoise did not live to see this. Her spirit and energy continue to inspire those of us who knew her. Creative Little Garden is a touchstone; showing how community effort can change the environment.

Creative Little Garden



This garden is under the jurisdiction of NYC Parks and supported by GreenThumb, the nation's largest urban gardening program. If you are interested in joining, starting, or supporting a community garden, contact NYC Parks GreenThumb

If there are changes to GrowNYC programming or operations due to inclement weather or air quality this blog post will be information central for up-to-the-minute schedule changes.