Corporate Volunteering with GrowNYC

Thanks for your interest in volunteering with GrowNYC!  We work with corporate groups of any size on both indoor and outdoor volunteer projects all across New York City. Our volunteer opportunities include:

  • Garden Builds (outdoors)
  • Seed Packing (indoor at your site)
  • Grant Reading (virtual)

Building urban farms, indoor seed packing, planting in community gardens, educational events, and starting new school gardens are all projects that GrowNYC's corporate volunteers have tackled.

In 2023, GrowNYC's corporate volunteer program:

  • Worked with more than 3,000 volunteers, including groups of up to 300.
  • Put in 12,000 hours at 25 different gardens across the city.
  • Helped build 7 new community gardens, adding 46,000 square feet of new green space for growing food, community meetings, and youth development.

Our staff will work with your company to design a volunteer day that is engaging, educational, and fun!

Interested in volunteering with GrowNYC? Contact us using our contact form below.

Please Note:

  • Volunteer Opportunities are Monday - Friday
  • We work with volunteers 18 and above only
  • GrowNYC asks a donation for volunteer events to cover supplies and help us grow NYC gardens
Type of Volunteer Event that Interests You. (Select one or more!)

Brrrrr, winter is here. Lucky for us, 23 GrowNYC Greenmarkets and 6 GrowNYC Farmstands are open YEAR-ROUND! Bundle up and head to the market — our staff, farmers, and volunteers can’t wait to welcome you.